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  • Dr. Allison Andre, DPT

Slay Your Resolutions Like Never Before with These Strategies!

As we stand at the dawn of a new year, the air is thick with resolutions and aspirations, each one a spark of hope for positive change.  Yet, in the midst of this wave of enthusiasm, it's crucial to navigate our aspirations with a compass grounded in reality.


We've all been there, caught up in the fervor of declaring monumental health goals only to find ourselves overwhelmed and disheartened when reality sets in. It's time to break free from the cycle of unattainable expectations and embrace a more mindful approach to setting and achieving resolutions. Let’s explore the art of setting and crushing our goals that not only inspire but endure—the kind that transform your well-intentioned aspirations into tangible, lifelong achievements. 

New Year Resolutions Note and Pen

Table of Contents


1. Understand The Pitfalls of Unrealistic Resolutions


The journey towards health and wellness is full of challenges, and well-intentioned goals often become stumbling blocks on our path to personal betterment. One prevalent pitfall is the seduction of overambition. It's easy to set goals that far surpass our current capabilities, fueled by the desire for rapid transformation. However, this often leads to a psychological toll as the enormity of the objectives can overwhelm our motivation, creating a counterproductive effect.

Additionally, when setting lofty goals, it's common to overlook practical limitations like time and resources. The result is a collision between our idealized goals and the tangible constraints of our daily lives, breeding frustration and a sense of futility.

Or you may fall into the all-or-nothing mindset trap, characterized by viewing success and failure in binary terms, setting the stage for a demoralizing cycle. The smallest setback can lead to feelings of guilt and ultimately abandonment of the entire resolution.

External validation dependency is a subtler pitfall that can undermine our resolutions. When our goals are shaped by external expectations rather than intrinsic desires, the motivation to pursue them can wane. Seeking validation from others may offer fleeting encouragement but is unlikely to sustain long-term commitment.

In the pursuit of health and wellness, it's crucial to navigate the delicate balance between ambition and reality

"Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible." - Tony Robbins

Black Typewriter with Paper and "Goals" typed on paper

2. Try The SMART Approach to Goal Setting


In the realm of goal-setting, a guiding light emerges through the application of the SMART criteria—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. As a physical therapist, I employ this approach regularly when crafting objectives for patients, understanding firsthand its transformative power in turning aspirations into attainable, tangible achievements.

  • Specific: The "S" in SMART encourages clarity and precision in defining your objectives. Rather than a vague desire to "exercise more," specify your intention to "engage in 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise, such as brisk walking or cycling, three times a week."

  • Measurable: Goals should be quantifiable to track progress effectively. Instead of a broad goal like "eat healthier," consider aiming for "consuming at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily."

  • Achievable: It's crucial to set goals within the realm of feasibility. Ambition is admirable, but setting objectives that are realistically attainable ensures a greater likelihood of success. For instance, instead of aiming to "lose 20 pounds in a month," a more achievable goal might be "losing 1-2 pounds per week through a combination of balanced nutrition and regular exercise."

  • Relevant: Align your goals with your overarching purpose and values. If your primary focus is stress reduction, a relevant goal might be "incorporating 10 minutes of mindfulness meditation into my daily routine."

  • Time-bound: Establish a timeframe for achieving your goals. This adds a sense of urgency and commitment. For example, transform "improving flexibility" into "increasing hamstring flexibility by 15% within the next six weeks through targeted stretching exercises."

By weaving these SMART principles - a tried-and-true method- into your health and wellness resolutions, you transform vague intentions into actionable plans with a clear roadmap to success. This method not only fosters a sense of direction but also empowers you with the tools to measure and celebrate your progress along the way.

3. Divide Big Goals Into Small Steps


Staying on track towards goal achievement can be a daunting task, but the secret lies in breaking down colossal goals into manageable, bite-sized steps. This not only renders the path more navigable but also fosters a sense of accomplishment with each milestone achieved.

  • Try Micro-Goals: The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and in the context of health resolutions, this adage holds true. Dissect your broader objectives into smaller, more achievable steps. For instance, if the goal is to run a marathon, start with walking and jogging intervals, gradually increasing distance and intensity.

  • Celebrate Small Victories: In the pursuit of larger goals, it's easy to overlook the significance of small victories. Emphasize the importance of celebrating each step forward. Whether it's sticking to a new workout routine for a week or consistently choosing nutritious meals, recognizing these small wins fuels motivation for the journey ahead.

  • Create a Realistic Action Plan: Break down the goal into specific actions, assign a timeline to each step, and consider potential obstacles. This step-by-step approach transforms aspirations into a tangible roadmap, making the path to success clearer and more attainable.


Group of Friends overlooking a mountain sunset

4. Build a Support System to Slay Your Resolutions


Let's not underestimate the importance of fostering a robust support system—it's not just a recommendation; it's a cornerstone for your success, a resilient safety net that will catch you through the inevitable highs and lows.

Friends, family, or like-minded individuals sharing your goals bring more than just encouragement to the table. They provide accountability and a shared sense of purpose that can propel you forward even when motivation wanes.

Take a moment to consider this: you don't have to go on this journey alone. Actively involve those around you, be it friends, family, or a supportive community. Turning your health pursuits into shared experiences amplifies not just the joy but also the resilience of the journey. Your victories become collective celebrations, and your challenges become shared opportunities for growth.

5. Adapt and Adjust Goals


Let's not just talk about the importance; let's underscore the absolute necessity of flexibility in goal-setting. Rigidity, akin to a clenched fist, can lead to frustration and obstruct your progress. I implore you to acknowledge that the ability to adapt goals based on your ongoing progress, setbacks, or shifts in life circumstances is not just beneficial—it's the cornerstone of long-term success.

Adapting your goals is not about abandoning ship; it's about adjusting the sails. Its a delicate balance between staying committed to your overarching goal and recognizing when adjustments are necessary. Celebrate every step of progress, viewing setbacks not as stumbling blocks but as opportunities to learn and grow.

6. Revisit Personal Motivations

Motivations evolve, and it's essential to stay connected to your reasons for pursuing health and wellness. Regularly revisit your personal motivations, considering how they may shift with changing circumstances. Ask yourself why these goals matter to you now and how they contribute to your overall well-being. By keeping motivations fresh and aligned with your current life context, you maintain a sense of purpose that propels you forward.

Remember, motivation is a dynamic force, and by incorporating these strategies into your routine, you can build a robust foundation for long-term success on your wellness journey.

Small Steps Are Still Progress

7. Celebrate Your Progress with Self-Compassion


Celebrate the small victories, turning each milestone into a moment of triumph. Whether it's hitting a fitness milestone that once seemed insurmountable or sustaining a consistent routine amidst life's bustling demands, every achievement stands as a testament to your unwavering commitment.

In the inevitable ebbs and flows of any journey, setbacks emerge as unwelcome companions. Yet, as you encounter these moments, let me emphasize the importance of embracing self-compassion over self-criticism. Consider setbacks not as roadblocks but as signposts guiding you towards invaluable lessons and opportunities for profound personal growth. In these instances, extend to yourself the same kindness and understanding that you readily offer to others. This practice of self-compassion becomes a powerful ally, nurturing resilience and paving the way for a journey marked not just by progress but by a deep, enriching self-discovery.


Now, armed with practical strategies, a resilient mindset, and a commitment to celebrating both victories and setbacks, it's time to embark on your journey and slay your resolutions for 2024! Share your insights, challenges, and triumphs to build a collective spirit that propels each of us forward. Your adventure towards a new you is not a solitary path—let's make it a shared odyssey, supporting and inspiring one another every step of the way. The journey begins now!

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